
Birstalls was formed in 1991 as a specialist industrial construction company.
The nature of the works undertaken often involved demolition or refurbishment of industrial premises, which led to a need for recognising and identifying asbestos in its many forms. As time progressed, we became increasingly acknowledged and acclaimed for our expertise in asbestos identification. Consequently our surveying activities began to play a major and pivotal role in our Groups operations
By 1999, our surveying services were clearly at the forefront of our numerous services and, accordingly, we decided to make this our main business focus. Between 1999 and 2007, Birstalls experienced massive growth and expansion leading to the opening of both the asbestos removal division and the demolition division enabeling us to offer a true 'one stop shop' for all asbestos and demolition requirements
Today, having combined our substantial and invaluable years of collective experience in the construction industry with our unsurpassed knowledge of asbestos containing materials, Birstalls are now dedicated to asbestos identification, management and removal, demolition and all associated works.
Birstalls is, and will always be, independent, offering total honesty, integrity and impartiality and sound, qualified advice.
Experts in our field, we pride ourselves on our level of professionalism, and our ability to offer specialist technical advice and recommend the most cost-effective solution to fulfil the particular need. We've established an enviable reputation we're fiercely protective of, built on employing only the best calibre people and delivering promises not compromises.
Birstalls work in strategic partnership with organisations of all sizes, large and small, stand alone, single site or multi-site companies.
For our partners, we will identify any ACM's (asbestos containing materials) and then carry out an assessment of the risk of exposure and recommend a complete management plan in compliance with the latest legislation allowing you, the partner, to concentrate on what you do best, manage your business.
Heres just a few of the many benefits to be gained from working in partnership with Birstalls:

Extensive Industry Knowledge,
Competent Consultants

Knowledge of Tax Concessions,
Fully Compliant Management Plans

Full ReportsAsbestos Registers Issued and Maintained